April 22nd, 2012

Bomb Norbert (LAT52.5186270_LON13.3761330)

          We are very happy having placed bomb Norbert in the wonderful cupola of the Reichstag building (German Bundestag) in Berlin. Bomb Norbert is happy too. He wrongly believes that all the tourists queuing up for hours outside the Reichstag had come because of him. Why should we rob bomb Norbert of that illusion?

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March 29th, 2012

Guerilla Art Exhibition in Japanese Soccer Stadium

The art action Augmented Bombings invites all augmented reality lovers and haters to its first Guerilla Art Exhibition Read the rest of this entry »

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March 22nd, 2012

Bomb Axel (LAT52.5074690_LON13.3973640)

          Bomb Axel has been placed in the editorial rooms of the infamous and most widely read german tabloid “Bild-Zeitung”, located in the famous Axel-Springer Skyscraper in Axel-Springer-Straße in Axel-Springer-City, no not yet (just kidding), the city is still called Berlin.

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March 13th, 2012

Bomb Adi (LAT46.9411200_LON7.3996550)

          Bomb Adi has been placed in the lovely Burgunderstrasse 13a in Bern (Switzerland). We hope bomb Adi is doing fine there. And who knows: Maybe some day bomb Adi will be discovered by the very likeable bomb host. Then, we hope there will be a smashing bomb party in Burgunderstrasse 13a.

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March 13th, 2012

Bomb John (LAT21.2983970_LON-157.8175980)

          The Aloha singing bomb John has been placed at University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. Bomb John is really proud to live here between 14.000 students and hopes to get a teaching position soon. Proposed Theme: Shall we speak of one augmented reality or rather of three, four, six or even 457 augmented realities?

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March 13th, 2012

Bomb Laura (LAT41.386751_LON2.1639010)

          Bomb Laura is happy to have been placed at the Universitat de Barcelona. But soon after the positioning, bomb Laura has been overwhelmed by scepticism: What if I will never be discovered. What if nobody is ever doing a php-query to find me? In this case: Do I still exist or not?

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March 13th, 2012

Bomb Goak (LAT37.6281160_LON127.0904560)

          Bomb Goak is studying at the Seoul Women’s University, Humanites Reseach Institute. Or at least Goak tries to. The bomb is still wondering whether augmented reality really exists or if it is just a dream. And if the latter would be the case, what would this tell about Goaks own type of existence?

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March 13th, 2012

Bomb Ellen (LAT22.3208550_LON114.1912540)

          Bomb Ellen is hovering around at Cattle Depot Artist Village Hong Kong trying to find the rooms of the famous videotage. Due to the shyness of Bomb Ellen she does not really want to be discovered. What a shame!

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